Note from Pastor Taylor:

The extremes with the pandemic COVID-19 or the Corona Virus as it is called are panic or denial. On the one hand panic has caused people to hoard staple goods like it is the end of the world and on the other hand some are shrugging their shoulders as if this is not a significant event and basically ignoring simple precautions that could limit the spread of this virus.
So what is the churches role at this time? We have the opportunity to lead in love and compassion. In times like this the Gospel has a greater opportunity to shine in the eyes of those who previously have been blinded to it. As a church family we are looking for ways to make that hope known to as many people as possible.

We are now having services on Sunday mornings at 10:45 both online and in person. We are continuing to follow social distancing guidelines. We also have Bible study on Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM and prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM.

Youth Night - Tuesday  6:30 PM.   

We are called to lead and minister so with loving precautions pray and minister and let us know as your pastors if we can assist.